Membership to Wyoming Writers, Inc gives you the opportunity to connect and learn with other writers around the state.
Benefits of membership include:
- Our quarterly newsletter, which includes writing opportunities such as contests and publishing houses currently open to submissions, news about writing events and opportunities from around the state, and the option to feature your own member news!
- Access to the member's only "Author Services" page of our website, where you can find listings of editors, illustrators, book designers, marketers and more to help bring your project to life.
- The ability to list your author website and social media channels on our "Member Links" page.
- If you are published, the ability to list one of your books on our member Bookshelf.
- Access to the bi-monthly flash fiction contest.
If you would like to become a member of Wyoming Writers, Inc. or renew your membership, fill out the application below, pay the dues, and you're in!
We have two convenient ways to pay your dues:
1) Online via Credit Card. Fill out the form below, making sure to complete the process of payment.
2) By mail. Select the "Complete Without Payment" option at the end of the application and mail a check to:
Wyoming Writers, Inc.
109 E. 17th St.
Suite #5921
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Dues expire one year after initial subscription.