Our 51st Annual Conference will take place at the Ramkota Hotel in Casper, WY from June 6th - 8th! Mark your calendars now!
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Faculty (including attending agents and publishers)
Early Bird Registration (Lasts until May 15th) = $300
Regular Registration (After May 15th) = $350
Single-Day Registration (No pitch session) = $200
Student Registration (Be prepared to show student ID) = $100
Mark Stevens is the author of The Fireballer (Lake Union, 2023) and The Allison Coil Mystery Series including Antler Dust, Buried by the Roan, Trapline, Lake of Fire, and The Melancholy Howl. Trapline won The Colorado Book Award for Best Mystery. In June of 2025, Thomas & Mercer will publish No Lie Lasts Forever, the start of a new series. Stevens has published short stories in Denver Noir (Akashic Books, 2022), Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, and Mystery Tribune, among others. Stevens is a longtime member of Mystery Writers of America. In 2023, Stevens was named Writer of the Year by Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers for the second time. He lives in southwest Colorado. More: www.writermarkstevens.com
Mark will be teaching the following sessions:
From Pulp to Meta
You don’t have to pull on that tortured artist effect to improve your style and add some art to your prose. In an unconventional, fast-moving and entertaining workshop—a session riddled with examples of great writing from the entire spectrum of fiction-writing past and present—we’ll get to the heart (of darkness) that lies in that age-old question: The arty novel—who needs it? And the answer may be—you don’t need it. Unless you do. It depends. The session will lead writers through a lively discussion designed to enhance their thought-process as they think about their story from the granular to big-picture levels. If you start with a simple story, how do you give it something more? That special something that will rise above and catch an agent’s or editor’s eye? This workshop will encourage writers to add a layer of depth to their story while not foregoing the basics of character, plot, conflict and resolution. The workshop will look at the building-blocks of style including imagery, metaphor, structure, and symbolism as a means to add a layer of resonance and substance to your work.
Write What You Don’t Know
It’s one of the oldest adages in the “how to” book of writing fiction. Write What You Know.
For writers, this concept can be frightening. It can seem so confining. Forget it. If Mark Stevens can write a mystery series featuring a female hunting guide, well, anybody can write about anything. He’s a guy (Exhibit A) and he would just as soon give spiders a ride outside on a sheet of paper rather than kill them (Exhibit B). Shooting an elk or deer? Forget it. In fact, freeing yourself from the limits of Write What You Know is liberating. Adopting the mantra, Write What You Don’t Know, opens up a universe of possibilities and a whole new array of possibilities for the plots you’re developing—and the characters who inhabit them. There are steps you can take to give you confidence as you step into the void. In this workshop, Mark will explore what it takes to write in-depth and convincingly outside of your comfort zone. In fact, tackling strange new worlds might heighten everything about your story, from character to setting and plot.
Don’t Do What Gary Did
The biggest mistake a writer can make is not believing in their work. The path to progress is paved by risk, by putting your work in the hands of others and learning how to take feedback. By networking. The proof is in the story of Gary Reilly. In this lively and entertaining workshop, I’ll present the moving and occasionally heartbreaking story of Gary Reilly, who passed away in 2011 with 25 polished and unpublished novels to his name. Yes, twenty-five. During his lifetime, Gary had one short story published. He sent it to the Iowa Review. It was published in 1977 and reprinted, the following year, in the Pushcart Prize anthology. He went on to write those 25 novels—alone. Occasionally he queried an agent or editor only to feel the sting of rejection and he’d go back, essentially, underground. Since his death, 16 of those 25 novels have been published to considerable acclaim and positive reviews including nine novels in the very funny Asphalt Warrior series, a trilogy based on Gary’s experiences around the Vietnam War, and a suspense thriller that Jeffery Deaver praised as “unstoppable.” The workshop will include straightforward tips and suggestions so writers can get better at learning how to grow comfortable with feedback and building their own writing community. Note: I’m the co-publisher of Gary’s posthumous works, but I will approach this not as sales (at all) but simply the strange and unusual story of one amazing writer whose life is a cautionary tale for writers who need a boost of confidence and how to get better at managing the one thing that is a constant force in the world of writing: rejection.
From the age of seven, Amanda Cabot dreamed of becoming a published author, but it was only when she set herself the goal of selling a book by her thirtieth birthday that the dream came true. A former director of Information Technology, Amanda has written everything from technical books and articles for IT professionals to mysteries for teenagers and romances for all ages. She is now the bestselling author of more than forty novels and a variety of novellas. Her books have been honored with starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Library Journal and have been finalists for the ACFW Carol Award, the HOLT Medallion, and the Booksellers’ Best. For her, a day is incomplete unless it includes books and at least one pot of tea.
Amanda will be teaching the following sessions:
Great Beginnings or How to Hook an Editor
Have you heard that an editor can make a decision based on the first three pages? It's true. Using examples to illustrate her points, Amanda Cabot will give you a look at great and not-so-great beginnings for novels. By the end of the workshop, you'll understand the common pitfalls and how to avoid them. Even more importantly, you'll know how to hook an editor and a reader.
Butterflies in Formation: Techniques to Tame the Fear of Public Speaking
If you view public speaking with less enthusiasm than you'd approach surgery without anesthesia, this workshop is for you. Amanda Cabot will show you how the Three Cs (confidence, content, and composure) can help make everything from book signings to formal presentations more enjoyable -- and more effective.
The Balancing Act of Writing Historical Fiction
If you write historical fiction, you know it's a tough act, balancing the story line and historical details. The challenge is heightened by reader expectations, which differ depending on the type of historical fiction you're writing. Amanda Cabot will help you categorize your book at the same time that she presents concrete ways of striking the proper balance to intrigue both editors and readers.
A self-described nerd and lover of science, Linda Rae Sande spent many years as a published technical writer specializing in 3D graphics workstations, software and 3D animation (her movie credits include SHREK and SHREK 2). Mythology, immortality, and ancient Greece have been lifelong interests. A fan of action-adventure movies, she can frequently be found at the local cinema. Although she no longer has any tropical fish, she does follow the San Jose Sharks. She makes her home in Cody, Wyoming.
Linda will be teaching the following sessions:
I Wrote a Book — Now What Do I Do?
In today’s publishing world, an author must be an entrepreneur. Here are the how-tos for building the team and the tools you’ll need to help bring your book to market. We’ll cover some basics about how to set up your author business and find the people you’ll need for editing, cover design, and formatting, and publish to various retailers. We’ll cover the promotional tasks necessary to get the word out about your book including an author website, newsletter, and low-cost promotional sites to help with discoverability—and finally, how to protect your work! All will be revealed in this fast-paced class.
Fill Those Fields for Maximum Royalties
A single publication has the potential to earn royalties from several formats. We'll discuss the possibilities and learn how to set up and use a single spreadsheet to keep track of all the retailers, formats, and translations for each of your books. The more fields you fill, the more royalties you earn!
Sex and Fiction over 40
Life begins at 40, but do fallen arches, rheumatism, and faulty eyesight. This class covers the stereotypes of older men and woman as depicted in fiction, what readers want to see in their heros and heroines, how to create believable characters who are over 40, and make them sexy while taking into account some of the issues associated with aging. We’ll also discuss the categories available for books featuring older characters on the various retailer sites.
Lindsay Schopfer is the award-winning author of five novels and two short story collections, including his fantasy series, The Adventures of Keltin Moore, winner of an OZMA Award from the Chanticleer International Book Awards. His short fiction has received multiple honors and has been featured in various anthologies and online periodicals.
In 2024, Lindsay was nominated as Small Business Person of the Year through the Small Business Association for his work as an independent author, creative writing instructor, and freelance editor. After his short fiction received honorable mention in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association’s Literary Contest, he was invited to serve as the chair of Science Fiction and Fantasy, a position he held for several years. He was also a volunteer mentor for Educurious, a Gates Foundation-funded program connecting at-risk high school students with professional writers.
Lindsay teaches creative writing for multiple colleges in the Pacific Northwest and is an active member of the Northwest Editors Guild. He lives in western Washington with his wife and three daughters. In his free time, he enjoys tabletop and video games, playing guitar, meditation, boxing, cooking and learning American Sign Language.
Lindsay will be holding 1-on-1 editor consultations with up to 20 attendees. These consultations are to help the individuals learn where to best focus their efforts in improving their craft.
From Body Language to Brawls
Action scenes are some of the most exciting, intense moments in our stories, but they can be tricky to get right. Too little detail and the reader won’t be invested; too much, and the action will be lost in a sea of unnecessary details. Participants in this course will learn how to manage pacing, how to balance character reactions and event descriptions, and how to use effective word choice to keep the reader fully immersed in the scene.
Creating Original Worlds
Each time a writer begins a new story they have an opportunity to take their readers to places they have never been before. Fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal authors will all benefit from this in-depth, detailed look into the unique craft of creating original worlds. Participants in this course will learn creative ways to do their world building, some essential questions to ask themselves about their worlds, and a variety of techniques to make their worlds as original as possible.
Investing in Your Writing Career
“You have to spend money to make money.” But how much money? And who should you give it to? Both published and unpublished writers will benefit from this practical guide to investing in your craft without breaking the bank. Students will learn how to shop around for freelancers, how to manage their resources when choosing promotional options, and how to choose the best options for educating themselves in their craft.
Nick Thacker is a USA Today Bestselling Author, with over 40 thrillers published to his name. He owns and runs Book Career In A Year. In addition, he's built businesses for authors: Author.Email, the only email marketing platform for authors, and RadioWrite.com, the 24/7 writing inspiration radio platform. He is currently the VP of Author Success with Draft2Digital, focusing on getting authors to the next level. His passion is to help authors figure out what their plan is — not just the “what,” but the “how” and the “why.” These are the missing pieces, the thing that will skyrocket your book career.
Nick will be teaching the following sessions:
Leverage Your Assets
Learn strategies and tactics to make the most from your most valuable assets — your books.
Marketing in 2025 (and Beyond)
There are an overwhelming number of choices authors face when building their writing careers. This session is all about simplifying your strategy by focusing on what will actually move the needle.
Alexandra Grana is an associate literary agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency. She loves horror, fantasy, and science fiction. In middle grade and young adult, she is seeking queer narratives, mysteries, and inventive magic systems. She is drawn to stories in immersive settings that connect magic to everyday feelings of coming of age. In adult, she is drawn to gothic elements across genres. She is seeking stories about our relationship to our environment, religious deconstruction, and messy relationships. Stories by BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ writers are of particular interest to her
Alexandra will be teaching the following sessions:
Effective Genre Fusion
Genre fusion isn’t new but with the rise of romantisies, fantasies set in space, and every burgeoning combination in-between it can be challenging for authors to combine their big, genre-spanning ideas successfully. This workshop will explore what makes genre-fusing fiction effective and how to avoid common pitfalls. We’ll also discuss where these unique works find their niche in the literary marketplace and how to play up the strengths of genre fusion when publishing.
Accepting pitches for: Corvisiero Literary Agency
Bernadette Soehner is a #1 international bestselling author writing under Bernadette Marie. Writing contemporary romances, she believes in Happily Ever After. The married mother of five believes in love at first sight, quick love, and second chances. Having published nearly 60 titles, she is honored to be called upon to teach workshops for organizations such as WHWA.
Bernadette is also the Founder and CEO of 5 Prince Publishing, a mid-sized, traditional publishing house in Arvada, Colorado. An entrepreneur at heart, Bernadette owns 5 businesses, having opened her first at the age of 20.
An avid martial artist, Bernadette Marie is a certified instructor and holds a third degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. She loves Tai Chi, traveling to Disney parks, and having lunch with friends. When not writing, or running her own publishing house, Bernadette is probably immersed in a Rom Com, from which she will often quote one liners.
Bernadette will be teaching the following sessions:
The Fine Line Between Indie and Traditional Publishing: Sharing the Space
In today's publishing world, the lines between indie and traditional publishing are blurrier than ever. Authors no longer have to choose just one path; many are finding success in hybrid approaches, leveraging the strengths of both models. This workshop will explore the evolving landscape of publishing, examining the benefits and challenges of each approach, and how authors can position themselves to maximize their careers.
Accepting pitches for: 5 Prince Publishing
5 Prince Publishing is currently seeking Romance only—meaning that the romance IS the main storyline of the story and not just an element of the story. We are looking, specifically, for contemporary romances 60,000-90,000 words. Strong female characters encouraged. We currently are curating our list of Beach Reads, Holiday Romances, Valentine Romance, and Spring Romances—though works pitched do not have to fall in these categories. We also will accept Romantic Suspense as long as the female remains the strong character. Paranormal Romances are a favorite at 5 Prince Publishing. Again, as long as the romance is the main force, we embrace ghostly paranormal, paranormal fantasy, and shifter romance as well.
I encourage anyone who would like to pitch me at conference to first go to 5princebooks.com and check out our submissions page. I only accept full manuscripts and not just story ideas. I do not accept poetry, self-help, non-fiction, or anything that has been previously published or is part of a series that has elements published.
When pitching, I ask that you prepare a good elevator pitch that encompasses the main part of your story with intriguing details and be ready to answer questions about your work in equal detail. Publishers love knowing ALL the parts!
I am happy to also sit with anyone who has a pitch that doesn’t fit into my publishing company if they’d just like coaching on their pitch. I believe that having the knowledge and practice to pitch is equally as important.
By day, Hallie Guidry is a civil rights and immigration attorney supporting the Laramie community. By night and on weekends, she is the CEO of a publishing company, Amaranth Publications, an independent press that nurtures authors and stories through compassionate editing, merit-based selections, and fair compensation. Hallie has over ten years of experience in professional editing and a thriving part-time business as a freelance editor.
Within the realm of books, Hallie has been instrumental in the writing, editing, and polishing of hundreds of published works, including inspiring non-fiction, bestselling contemporary romances, and heartwarming memoirs of pain and loss. She has a successful track record as a ghostwriter and enjoys the creative freedom of pen names. In her spare time, Hallie is a PhD student in the Public Humanities specializing in 17th century literature and history, a wife and mother, and avid Minecraft player.
Hallie will be teaching the following sessions:
Selling Out or Living the Dream? Freelance Editing and Ghostwriting
Ever wondered if freelance editing and ghostwriting are the keys to living the writer's dream or just another way to sell out? Join me as I pull back the curtain on my journey through the Upwork platform, sharing the highs, lows, and everything in between. From the thrill of landing that first big project to the heartache of missed deadlines and demanding clients, this session is an honest, no-fluff look at what it really takes to make it as a freelance editor and ghostwriter.
Accepting pitches for: Amaranth Publications
Cozy. Sexy. Edgy. We publish defiant books with timeless ideas. Amaranth publishes romance, fantasy, mystery, horror, and the occasional genre-bending work. Amaranth’s books are created to spoil and delight readers through defying expectations and conventions. Our ideal manuscript submission is from a writer who, first and foremost, wants to tell a solid story. From there, we work with writers who are just starting out and want to be a part of a team. Our writers are not independent islands—they are a part of our pirate crew. We seek to embody the spirit of creative passion in all our endeavors, from first draft to end product, and in all our work strive to deliver this simple credo: This is a story worth reading.
If you are published and attending our conference, you are welcome to have some of your books available for purchase in the conference bookstore. When conference registration opens, the form to submit books will become available. You are welcome to submit up to a maximum of five titles. Plan on bringing 5-10 copies of each book.
It is the consignor's responsibility to retrieve books after the conference. Wyoming Writers, Inc. is not responsible for any books left behind at the end of the conference.
Our conference features a number of great benefits for attendees. Read about some of them below!
These workshops cover a range of topics from of the top minds in the field today. Find full class descriptions in the Faculty section of this page.
Attendees get the opportunity to pitch their work to an agent or publisher accepting pitches for their agency or publishing house. This years pitch opportunities include:
In the meantime, Find some advice on preparing for your pitch session here!
This perennially popular session involves a faculty panel who listen to the first pages of anonymously submitted works read aloud. When one of our faculty hears something that would make them stop reading, they hold up their paddle and the panel then gets to discuss what worked and didn't work for them about the piece.
All conference attendees can submit a single, double-spaced, first page of a fiction or non-fiction work to be read at the panel. Paddle Panel submissions are gathered at the registration table.
Refine your masterpiece with feedback from your peers by attending one of our critique tables. Manuscripts are read aloud before being respectfully critiqued with constructive feedback by the others at the table.
Tables are broken up into the following categories:
Nominations are now open for the four major awards of WW, Inc, and will be accepted through April 17, 2025. All nominations must come from current WW, Inc. members.
Nominate someone you know to recognize and honor contribution and service:
If you know a current WW, Inc. member who has provided outstanding service to WW, Inc, consider nominating them for the Emmie Mygatt Award. This award, to honor the memory of one of the WW, Inc. founders, requires a nomination letter explaining why the nominee deserves the award. Note: Past recipients are ineligible for this award.
If you know an adult, organization, business, or other entity that has provided special encouragement and motivation to writers, consider nominating them for the Arizola Magnenat Award. This nominee need not be a WW, Inc. member. The award also requires a nomination letter explaining why the nominee deserves the award.
Nominate yourself to recognize and honor individual achievement:
If you are a current WW, Inc. member who has published a first major work between May 2024 and May 2025, consider nominating yourself for the Western Horizon Award. Multiple winners may be honored with this award. If a book, include the title, ISBN (required), publisher (if not yourself), and publication date; If a first article, story, essay, and/or poem in a major publication, include the title of the work, the name of the periodical, and the date of publication. The periodical must be national or literary and have a subscriber base. Note: Past recipients are ineligible for this award.
If you are a current WW, Inc. member and published writer, able to demonstrate ongoing achievements of personal significance in your writing career, consider nominating yourself for the Milestone Award. Like the Western Horizon Award, multiple winners may be honored with this award. Submissions should succinctly express the breadth and depth of your writing career and include an explanation of what specific events took place that launched the milestone. Note: Past recipients are ineligible for this award.
See a full list of past award winners here.
Awards will be presented at the 51st Annual WW, Inc. Conference, Saturday, June 7, 2025 in Casper, WY
Wyoming Writers, Inc., is pleased to announce that the Emmie Mygatt Memorial Scholarship Fund (MSF) is available for this year’s conference that will be held in Casper June 6 – 8, 2025.
The MSF awards scholarships each year to a few Wyoming writers in financial need. The scholarship provides funds for Wyoming Writers, Inc. conference tuition and one year of membership dues. Application deadline is April 15, 2025. Those who wish to apply will find the application below.
On the application form, the Wyoming Writers, Inc. board of directors requires a written statement about the demonstration of financial need and an explanation of how the conference can help further the applicant’s writing craft.
The MSF began in 1977 with a donation of $500 from Emmie Mygatt, a published author who moved to Big Horn, Wyoming from the east coast in the late 1960s. She taught a creative writing class at Sheridan College. Emmie was leader of, and advisor to, a group which evolved into the Sheridan Range Writers. She envisioned a statewide writers’ organization and encouraged her group to start one, which they did in June 1974. That statewide organization became, and remains, Wyoming Writers, Inc.
Emmie was a kind, caring and lovely woman who believed writers could live anywhere. She urged others believe that as well. She helped writers learn their craft and encouraged everyone to help each other. Before her passing in 1977, she gave the $500 donation to be “joyously spent for an unusual opportunity approved by all.” With great foresight and with Emmie’s blessing, the Wyoming Writers, Inc. Board of Directors created the Emmie Mygatt Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The Fund has grown every year since. Each year, the number of awarded scholarships changes depending on funds available. Wyoming Writers, Inc. board members determine who receives a scholarship and how many will be awarded for the year. Over 70 scholarships have been given since 1978. Although organization members receive first preference, non-members may also apply. Donations to the fund can be made at any time, and writers of all agesare encouraged to apply.
Note: scholarship recipients will be asked to volunteer two hours of their time working for the conference.