A 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 454, Riverton, WY 82501
Eligibility, Deadline, Fees, Refunds:
Eligibility: All writers at any level.
Fee: $15 per entry
Refunds: No refunds for disqualified, late, or withdrawn entries.
Deadline: March 15th, 2025
Rules and restrictions:
Submission of work to contest confers permission to Wyoming Writers, Inc. to publish winning title and author’s name in website and newsletter.
Contestants may submit in multiple categories.
Entries must be original, unpublished work, and the author’s sole and exclusive property.
Submission to our contest must not violate any copyright, trademark, privacy, or publication right.
Simultaneous submissions accepted.
Entrant retains all rights except for award announcements.
Judges will receive materials without identifying information.
All judges’ decisions are final.
First Place (all categories) $75
Second Place (all categories) $50
Third Place (all categories) $25
Wyoming Writers, Inc. retains the right not to award all prizes.
Winners’ certificates and prize money will be awarded at the Wyoming Writers Inc. Annual Conference in Casper on May 31 - June 2 2024. Winners unable to attend will be mailed award payments and certificates following the Conference.
Winners will receive a citation (Author, title, category) in WYO-Writer newsletter and on the Wyoming Writers, Inc. website. Winners may be asked to submit an optional excerpt, bio, or other material for publication.
Prose Categories (4):
Poetry Categories (2):
Required Format:
All Submissions:
Submit work in 8.5 x 11-inch portrait format.
Hard copy entries must use white paper.
No handwritten entries.
Use standard (e.g., Arial, Courier, Times New Roman) 12-point font, double spaced.
For fiction and nonfiction begin title and text half-way down the first page.
One-inch margin minimum.
May use various spacing.
No fancy fonts; no colors.
Hard copy entries will NOT be returned.
Kathy Bjornstead
1114 Omaha Street
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
Please send any contest questions to wyowriters@gmail.com.